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Robert Guillen


Hi there. My Name is Robert Guillen and this is my page.

I chose a couple of my favorite artists to show the range of my

music interests. I also include some of my favorite activities which

include hiking, cooking, and photography.

In my spare time, I like to go shooting, filming,

listening to music, exploring new trails, going fishing, or

firing up the grill and cooking a nice meal.


 Ever since I was young, I grew up with

a fascination with taking pictures with disposable Kodaks or recording

short videos with my parent's cam recorder. If it wasn't for my love

of picture taking, I would've never had my first cell phone in

middle school to help me continue taking pictures. My creative

goal is to develop my skills as a photographer and a filmmaker

to pursue my dreams of creating nature documentaries. In my field,

I plan to help educate my fellow brothers and sisters about the

undiscovered beauty nature has to hold and teach people to

respect the natural wildlife. It is also another goal to help people

learn to give wildlife their space as we do with one another.  

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